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During your visit, you will most certainly find ideas to bloom this wonderful day.

The ideas, you may already have them... and that's great!

Always keep in mind that for us this will be the common thread of your floral decoration and that everything can be declined in the same theme.

(bouquets of the bride and bridesmaids, boutonniere of the groom and witnesses, decorations of the room and the car, etc....)


Tell us about your project, we will study all your requests and will be able to establish an estimate at the fairest price.


Do not hesitate to ask for our presentation brochure in order to guide you in your wishes according to your budget.


Because we want this day to be one of the most beautiful of your life, our only limit will therefore be your imagination!!!

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Demandez notre
plaquette de présentation

Merci de votre demande

We will meet you with pleasure to discuss your project

by appointment only

And if you still hesitate, don't hesitate to take a look at the reviews and recommendations pages .

They are the ones who speak best about our work

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